(13 March 2022, Chomutov) On Saturday, 12 March, dozens of people went to the highest mountain in the Czech Republic to fly the Tibetan flag to commemorate the 63rd anniversary of the violent suppression of the Tibetan national uprising. This year, the Ukrainian flag also flew on Sněžka.
The chairman of the informal Senate Group of Friends of Tibet and Senator Přemysl Rabas from Chomutov explained why he and the Czechs Support Tibet organization and the Veselý výlet information center are organizing the high-mountain expedition for the second time.

Tibetan falg on Snezka mountain.
"Unfortunately, we are now experiencing very closely what it is like when an aggressor with a sense of superiority attacks an independent nation that is about to be robbed of its freedoms. Tibet, with a similar experience, may be several thousand kilometres away, but the commemoration of the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the protests against it are also a reminder that freedom and democracy anywhere in the world must be fought for," Rabas said.
The Senate's 1st Vice President Jiří Růžička and Kladno Senator Adéla Šípová also took part in the march.