On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, the Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Human Rights and Petitions adopted a resolution expressing opposition to China’s policies against Tibetans. Read the translation of the resolution.

of the 8th meeting held on 30 May 2023
on the forced assimilation of Tibetan children in residential schools in the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Government’s interference with the religious freedoms of Tibetans
After the introductory remarks by Committee Vice-Chairman Přemysl Rabas and the debate
I. expresses its deep concern at the findings of the UN report of 6 February 2023 describing the systematic separation of Tibetan children from their families and their subsequent placement in Chinese residential schools;
II. Calls on the Chinese Government to move away from the practice of forcibly placing Tibetan children in residential schools and forcibly assimilating them, and instead to allow Tibetan children to remain in their family environment, to be educated in their native language and to develop Tibetan culture and tradition;
III. Expresses its opposition to the action of the People’s Republic of China regarding the reincarnation of the Tibetan Dalai Lama;
IV. Is concerned that the traditional practice of selecting and recognising the reincarnation of Tibetan clerics, including the Dalai Lama, has been disrupted and influenced by the intervention of the Chinese authorities This situation constitutes a serious obstacle to the freedom of religion and belief of the Tibetan people;
V. recommends that the Government of the Czech Republic, in its bilateral and international contacts with the People’s Republic of China, draw attention to these disturbing human rights violations and call on China to immediately stop the placement of Tibetan children in boarding schools and to respect the traditional practices associated with the reincarnation of Tibetan clerics;
VI. Instructs the Committee Chairman, Jiří Růžička, to communicate the adopted resolution to the President of the Senate, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.